Thread subject: STATII.COM: For all things Status-Graphite :: Fodera NYC Empire 4 string

Posted by dafonky on 10-03-2018 22:42

Hi I am looking for a 4 string only Fodera NYC Empire Jazz bass Fretted or fretless, with rosewood or ebony fretboard. These were built during the 90‘ies Cash waiting ! Thanks a lot

Posted by dafonky on 10-03-2018 22:50

production started around 1994 and stopped in 1999 . This model was offered later again by Fodera in 2005 or 2010, at that time they were built in Japan. Discontinued when the new Monarch Series came in.

Edited by dafonky on 17-02-2025 00:05

Posted by dafonky on 31-10-2023 03:32

Hi again I am still looking for an old Fodera 90’ies bass 4 strings only ! If someone has a Fodera NYC Empire Jazz from the 90’ies ,”please let me know Thanks 🙏

Edited by dafonky on 31-10-2023 03:33