Thread subject: STATII.COM: For all things Status-Graphite :: Bass on "The Early Tapes" ?

Posted by paul clifton on 27-04-2009 01:19

Hayman! That was it! I was thinking Hagstrom or something with H then everyone else was saying Shergold so I figured it must be that. Thanks for info Paul - can you go into further detail over how he recorded the tracks with the Jaydee when that supposedly didn't arrive til Polydor days? From where is the confusion stemming? I have heard him telling the tale of buying the Jaydee with Polydor advance money on at least 3 recordings, so is he fibbing, or did they get the Polydor money BEFORE Early Tapes/Strategy was finished recording? This is a mystery I would love to have solved by the collective wisdom of the group!

Edited by paul clifton on 27-04-2009 01:22