Wanted: Status Streamline 5

Last updated on 4 years ago
Posted 5 years ago
Hi there,

I'm gassing for a lightweight bass that is easy on my aging back. I'm currently playing a Stingray 5 so something in the punchy sound realm would be great. That rules out semi and hollow bodies, and most short scale basses.

A Status Streamline 5 would be perfect but they aren't common on the used market, so I'm open to anything similar.

Looking forward to seeing what you've got :)
Posted 5 years ago
Hello Petebass,

I may have exactly what you need!

Send me a PM when you get a chance or an email to andresimha@fastmail.com

Posted 5 years ago


andre wrote:
Hello Petebass,

I may have exactly what you need!

Send me a PM when you get a chance or an email to andresimha@fastmail.com


PM Sent.
Posted 5 years ago
Bump. Anyone else got a Streamline 5?
Posted 4 years ago
Bump. Still looking :)
Junior Member
Posted 4 years ago
Have you considered something along the lines of a Steinberger shape? Hohner B25's are very nice and light (and very affordable too). They do require some modifications to compensate for the weird ergonomics: the Streamline is somewhat of a singlecut design, with normal strap button positions, but the Hohner has the front strap button behind the 21st fret! So on a strap, the first few frets are awkwardly far away. I have a 4-string B2A and it's a lovely bass to play and sounds great in active mode (but very bland and dry in passive).

S2 Classic 5-string headless, black sparkle
S2 Classic 4-string headless, pure white, Roman numeral inlays
Posted 4 years ago
No longer required. I bit the bullet and ordered a new one.
Posted 4 years ago
Well done Pete ;)
Junior Member
Posted 4 years ago
Please don't forget to post sound samples when you get it. I have been intrigued about the Streamline bass for a LONG time and would love to get on! I play mostly jazz and to most gigs I take an electric upright bass AND a bass guitar. The streamline would make my equipment carrying so much easier... not too mention on the occasional flight, I could get a custom flight case and fit both the Electric upright and Streamline easily.... BUT I can not find any legitimate videos /sound samples of the Streamline. 99% percent of videos of Status basses are people slapping "Mark king style".... I need to know if a Streamline would have a warm/ growling sound that would fit well for a walking bass line....No jazz players (that I know off) play Status basses.... It is hard to guess since it is all graphite.... Hence my hesitation to get a used (or new ) version.
Many thanks in advance and congratulation on the new Status order!
2000 Status Eclipse Custom 5-String
2008 Status Smart Bass 5-String Fretless
1992 Status S-1 Bolt-on 5 String
1993 Yamaha TRB 5
1930's German Upright Bass
2012 NS Design CR4T Electric Upright Bass
Posted 4 years ago


cecoulter wrote:
Please don't forget to post sound samples when you get it. I have been intrigued about the Streamline bass for a LONG time and would love to get on! I play mostly jazz and to most gigs I take an electric upright bass AND a bass guitar. The streamline would make my equipment carrying so much easier... not too mention on the occasional flight, I could get a custom flight case and fit both the Electric upright and Streamline easily.... BUT I can not find any legitimate videos /sound samples of the Streamline. 99% percent of videos of Status basses are people slapping "Mark king style".... I need to know if a Streamline would have a warm/ growling sound that would fit well for a walking bass line....No jazz players (that I know off) play Status basses.... It is hard to guess since it is all graphite.... Hence my hesitation to get a used (or new ) version.
Many thanks in advance and congratulation on the new Status order!

No problem, I'm not a jazz master by any stretch, but I can knock out a walking bass line that will give you an idea. You'll have to be patient though, I won't receive the bass for ages yet.

FWIW, I have another option for you to consider. I have a tiny Ashbury electric bass that has rubber/gut strings that sounds very close to a full size double bass. When I say tiny, I mean tiny. It's uke sized. And it wasn't expensive. I'll post a clip of that as well if you like.
Posted 4 years ago
For Cecoulter and anyone else who is after a better idea of what a Streamline 5 sounds like. I did my first gig on it yesterday and recorded it on my Zoom Q2n. It's not studio quality, but it gives a good representation of what the stage sound was like.

I'm going to say it's probably not a great bass for walking bass lines. But my initial thoughts are this is an excellent bass in so many ways. Have a listen:

Posted 4 years ago
That's very groovy!
Nice one and love the Streamline; mine is white :)
Junior Member
Posted 4 years ago
Hi Pete,
perfect walking bass line.
Thanks for the Streamline audio sample. B)
Status SII 5
Status S5000
Status Energy5,
Aria IGB35/5 F,
MarkBass MoMark SD800, New York 121, Traveler 121h
Junior Member
Posted 4 years ago
Bass looks very ergonomic and comfortable! It sounds really good in the mix and you played very well. Bass is a winner! Congratulations.
I do agree with you that it is probably not the right sound for Jazz walking bass lines.... The other Status models are better suited for that, but your bass sounds fantastic in that band!
2000 Status Eclipse Custom 5-String
2008 Status Smart Bass 5-String Fretless
1992 Status S-1 Bolt-on 5 String
1993 Yamaha TRB 5
1930's German Upright Bass
2012 NS Design CR4T Electric Upright Bass
Posted 4 years ago


cecoulter wrote:
Bass looks very ergonomic and comfortable! It sounds really good in the mix and you played very well. Bass is a winner! Congratulations.
I do agree with you that it is probably not the right sound for Jazz walking bass lines.... The other Status models are better suited for that, but your bass sounds fantastic in that band!

You are too kind, thank you for the nice words.
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