Used Statii prices, just for an idea.

Last updated on 19 years ago
Junior Member
Posted 19 years ago
I'm looking for à used S2 or Empathy 5 strings, could you give me an idea of how does it cost (how did you buy yours...) and if one of you have this little thing for sale.

And sorry for my wonderfoul Franch anglish, I'm trillingue to be understandabeule!:p

Et encore j'évite l'accent bérichon:D

If I find my new bass, I may have a Shark to sold soon.

I tried a Washburn Status S1000 last week, quite good but HEAVY!!! Arg! The pickups were not Status but Bartolini so it was not a bad bass but no more a Status...

Thanks for this site and for your passion.
Posted 19 years ago
I may be interested in your Shark if it is 4 string and right handed.

I think a good Empathy or Series 2 5 string would cost around £750 privately and £1000 from a shop. I prefer the headed version but they tend to be slightly cheaper than the headless versions. Not sure how prices in France compare with the UK. Andre is better placed to comment as he owns most of the Status basses in continental Europe!;)
Posted 19 years ago
Hello Sylv1 (pas mal le jeu de mots!) - Indeed I can try to help out ... I'll be in Paris in 2 or 3 weeks so maybe we can catch up? Thanks for the "push" on my collection, now I just need to lern how to play them all simultaneously :-)
Junior Member
Posted 19 years ago
Thanks, the Shark is not for sale yet, I need a new bass before of course, but you will be (avertis) first.

I maybe will have to sold a Ampeg B1-R (combo) too, I'm not sure, arg! I love my Shark, my Ampeg but I'd love a S2 or Empathy too and my bank says: arf arf arf! Do that and you're dead.

Well, I'll try to sleep 5 minutes now.

Thank you André, it could be a "bonne idée"!

Junior Member
Posted 19 years ago
I've send an E-mail to Rob Green to know how much does it cost for a brand new Status S1 Deluxe 5 strings and I Wait for the answer. The problem is that i've bet on a old 5 strings fretless on Ebay and who finish in two days ans I Would to know the price of a new before (in case its not too expensive, I prefer a new one with full graphite neck).

Who can tell me how does it cost for a S1 deluxe 5 strings headed ?

Thank you !!! :D
Junior Member
Posted 19 years ago
Here is the official price list :
Edited by Jassco on 22-02-2006 01:03, 19 years ago
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